IBM Books

AIS V3.4 Protocol Reference V2

Configuring and Monitoring DNA IV

DNA IV Configuration and Monitoring Commands

This section describes the NCP configuration and monitoring commands. Enter the commands at the NCP> prompt. All NCP commands can be accessed from either the configuration or monitoring environments.

Table 102. NCP Configuration and Monitoring Commands
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 define   Defines items in the nonvolatile (permanent) database, including: 
  • Access control lists and routing filters
  • Circuit items
  • Arguments global to DNA
  • Configuration data from the nodes
 purge module   Removes access control lists and routing filters from the permanent database. 
 set   Sets or changes items in the volatile database, including: 
  • Circuit items
  • Arguments global to DNA
  • Configuration data from the nodes
 show   Displays the status of the volatile database and volatile nodes in the routing database. 
 show/list   Displays items in the volatile (show) or permanent (list) database, including: 
  • The current state of the specified circuits
  • The current state of the volatile/permanent database for DNA
  • DECnet access control lists that have been defined in the permanent database for the router
  • DECnet area routing filters that have been defined in the permanent database for the router
 zero   Clears circuit counters in the volatile database, global counters in the volatile database, and counters in the access control list module. Does not clear the argument settings made with set or define commands. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

Note the following information about the commands:

  1. The define commands do not take effect until the next time the router is started.

  2. The list, define, and purge commands modify or display data in the permanent (router's Static RAM) database. The permanent database is stored in the configuration, and remains in effect across restarts, software loads, and power cycles.

  3. The show and list commands are the most useful for monitoring the DNA IV protocol.

  4. Use set, show, and zero to modify, display, or clear data in the volatile database.

  5. The zero command clears statistics saved in the volatile database, but does not clear the argument settings made with set or define commands.


This section explains both the define and the set commands.

Use the define command to define access control lists and routing filters, and to define circuit, executor, and node parameters. Define is used to set SRAM (needs reboot).


circuit-specifier . . .

executor . . .

module access-control . . .

module routing-filter . . .

node . . .

Set can be used for volatile RAM (immediate change, no reboot).


circuit-specifier . . .

executor . . .

node . . .

circuit-specifier argument

The circuit-specifier options include the following:

active circuits
Specifies all circuits who are up and whose state is on (set only).

all circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

circuit name
The name of the circuit. For example: Eth/0, TKR/0, PPP/1.

known circuits
(set only) Specifies all circuits on the router.

The arguments include the following:

Used during circuit initialization of static X.25 circuits. When a circuit is defined as an outgoing SVC, the initial and all subsequent call requests contain the defined call-userdata when the circuit is enabled. When a circuit is defined as an incoming SVC, one of the criteria for accepting an incoming call request is a match of the defined call-userdata.

Currently the call-userdata must be set to the DTE of your local router for both incoming and outgoing SVCs.

Enter an even number of hexadecimal characters (octets) up to a maximum of 14 characters.

cost [range]
Sets the cost to receive a packet on this circuit. This is used by the routing algorithm to determine the cost of a circuit in choosing routes (cost is not the same as an IP metric). Range: 1 to 25. Default: 4.

The following values are suggested starting points:
Circuit type Cost
Ethernet 4
Token-Ring 4/16 4
Sync 56 Kb 6
Sync T1 5
X.25 25


define circuit tkr/0 cost 5

DTE Address
Specifies the address of the remote DTE on the X.25 circuit. This is always the address of the remote system. This is a decimal number of up to 14 characters.

hello timer [range]
Specifies how often (in seconds) router hellos are sent on this circuit. Range: 1 to 8191 seconds. Default: 15 seconds (recommended).

maximum recalls
(define only) Specifies how many attempts the router makes to reestablish an outgoing static SVC call after an initial call failure. After the maximum number of recalls, the router makes no further attempts to establish the SVC without your intervention. Valid values are in the range of 1 to 20, the default is 1. See also the recall timer argument.

maximum routers [range]
(define only) Specifies how many other routers there may be on this circuit. Range: 1 to 33. Default: 16.
Note:This parameter is not user-configurable on an X.25 circuit when the executor type is set to DEC-routing-IV or DEC-area. In this case the maximum number of routers is 1.

If this is a level 1 router, only routers on this circuit in the same area count. If this is a level 2 router, all routers on this circuit count. The local router does not count against the limit.

The router's efficiency and memory requirements are improved by keeping this number low. Set this argument to equal a few more than the total number of adjacent routers on the circuit. Do not set this argument to less than the number of routers on the circuit; this can result in anomalies in routing.
Note:For a point-to-point (synchronous line) circuit, set this argument to 1. The result is significant memory savings on a router with multiple point-to-point lines.

The sum of maximum routers over all circuits should be less than the executor maximum broadcast routers argument, although this limit is not strongly enforced.

recall timer
Determines the delay in seconds between call attempts to establish an X.25 outgoing static circuit.

For define, valid values are in the range 1 to 60 seconds. The default is 1 second. See also the argument maximum recalls.

For set, valid values are in the range 0 to 65595 seconds. The default is 60 seconds.

router priority [range]
Specifies the router's priority in bidding to become the designated router for the end-nodes on this circuit. Range: 1 to 127, where 127 is the highest priority. Default: 64.

If two routers have the same priority, the one with the higher node address wins. The router priority has no effect on area routing decisions, or in reaching the closest attached level 2 router.

Use the router priority to choose the designated router to be the one that is most likely to be the best next hop for the end-nodes on the circuit. If there are two routers on a circuit, one with 500 nodes behind it, the other with 20 nodes behind it, the one with 500 nodes should have the higher router priority. This is not required, however, because once a packet from an end-node packet reaches a router, it will be forwarded toward its destination.

This argument is irrelevant on point-to-point lines, where there will be no end-nodes. (A designated router is selected anyway.)

router type
Specifies the kind of routing that the router needs to perform, standard, AMA, or bilingual.

- Standard. Specifies that the router is using conventional phase IV addressing where the MAC address is built from the area and node number. The router defaults to this type.

- AMA. Specifies that the router can route packets that use phase IV addressing where the MAC address is arbitrary and learned from the data link layer.

- Bilingual. Specifies that the router can route packets that use both conventional and phase IV with AMA addressing.

When set to on specifies that the circuit is enabled for use by DNA. When set to off specifies that the circuit is disabled for use by DNA. off is the default.

Specifies whether an X.25 circuit is:
  • PVC: A permanent virtual circuit
  • OUT-SVC: An outgoing static circuit
  • IN-SVC: An incoming static circuit

    This parameter applies when the executor type is set to DEC-routing-IV or DEC-area. (See circuit executor type for more information.)

Specifies whether the router compares a verification string on the router to verification data in an incoming initialization message. If they do not match, the X.25 circuit must be reinitialized. Specify enabled or disabled.

executor argument
Defines or sets arguments (that is, the executor) global to DNA in the permanent (define) or volatile (set) database.

Most of these arguments reduce the efficiency of the router, and increase the load on the circuits, as they are made larger. They can also increase memory requirements. They should not be used unnecessarily in excess of the values required for the actual network configuration.

For set, the executor must be in the off state to modify numeric arguments or type in the volatile database. (Unlike DECnet-VMS, the set executor state on command is valid when the executor state is off.) These changes take place immediately without rebooting the router.

address [area.node]
Sets the executor's node address, the node ID of this router. Area range: 1 to 63. The area and the node must be less than executor maximum area. Node range is 1 to 1023. The default 0.0 is illegal.
Note:DNA will not be enabled if the executor address is not set to a legal value.

area maximum cost [number]
Maximum cost allowed between this level 2 router and any other level 2 router. If the best route to an area is more costly than this, that area will be considered unreachable. Maximum: 1022. Default: 1022. This argument does not apply to level 1 routers. It should be greater than the maximum legal cost to the most distant area. A suggested value is 25 times "area maximum hops".

area maximum hops [number]
Maximum number of hops allowed between this level 2 router and any other level 2 router. If the best route to an area requires more hops than this, that area will be considered unreachable. Maximum: 30. Default: 30. This argument does not apply to level 1 routers. It should be about twice the longest path length (in hops) that is expected.

The hop count is used by routing only to speed the decay of routes to unreachable areas. The area maximum hops may be reduced to cause unreachable areas to become unreachable more quickly.

broadcast routing timer [range]
Specifies how often level 1 (and 2 in a level 2 router) routing messages are sent, in seconds. This is how often they will be sent in the absence of any cost or adjacency changes. This protects the routing database from corruption. At least partial routing updates are sent automatically if any cost or adjacency changes. Range: 1 to 65535. Default: 180. Lower values increase the overhead for this and all adjacent routers. Larger values increase the time required to correct the routing database if a partial routing update message is lost.

maximum address number [range]
(define only) Is the highest node address (within this area) for which routes will be kept by this router. The routing database will not include routes to nodes in this area with a higher node part of their address. Range: 1 to 1023. Default: 32. It should be higher than the highest node address in the router's area. Setting it excessively large will affect the efficiency of the router, and will use excess memory. This argument does not take effect until the router is restarted.

maximum area number [number]
(define only) Is the highest area for which routes will be kept, if this is a level 2 router. The routing database will not include routes to areas higher than this. Maximum: 63. Default: 63. It should be higher than the highest area number in the overall network. This argument does not take effect until the router is restarted.

maximum broadcast nonrouters [number]
(define only) Maximum number of end-nodes that can be adjacent (one hop away) to this router. This is the sum over all broadcast circuits. If there are more end-nodes, some of those end-nodes will not be reachable by this router, which may cause unpredictable routing problems. This argument does not take effect until the router is restarted. Range: 1 to 1023. Default: 63.

maximum broadcast routers [number]
(define only) Maximum number of routers than can be adjacent (one hop away) to this router. This is the sum over all broadcast circuits. If there are more routers, routes will not be accepted from the excess routers. This may cause unpredictable routing problems. This argument does not take effect until the router is restarted. Default: 32. Maximum: 33 times the number of circuits. This value should be greater than or equal to the sum of "circuit maximum routers" over all circuits, although this is not strongly enforced. This parameter has a strong effect on memory utilization, and should not be set much larger than required. Because the default is rather high, you may need to reduce the value if you have set a large "maximum address."

maximum cost [number]
Maximum cost allowed between this router and any other node in the area. If the best route to a node is more costly than this, that node will be considered unreachable. Maximum: 1022. Default: 1022. It should be greater than the maximum legal cost to the most distant node. A suggested value is 25 times "maximum hops".

maximum hops [number]
Maximum number of hops allowed between this router and any node in the area. If the best route to a node requires more hops than this, that node will be considered unreachable. Maximum: 30. Default: 30. It should be about twice the longest path length (in hops) that is expected. The hop count is used by routing only to speed the decay of routes to unreachable nodes. The maximum number of hops may be reduced to cause unreachable nodes to become unreachable more quickly.

maximum visits [number]
Specifies that any packet forwarded by this router that has been forwarded by more than maximum visits routers will be dropped. This is used to detect packets which are in routing loops, which occur when routes decay. The maximum visits is 63. This is the default. This argument should be larger, by a factor of two, than both maximum hops and area maximum hops.

state on
Enables DNA. May be issued at any time, providing the router has a valid node address.

state off
Disables DNA. May be issued at any time. The default state is off.

For set, set executor will be inhibited if the DNA initialization failed for lack of available memory for the routing tables.

(define only) On X.25 circuits, causes the router to act in one of four ways, depending on the value selected. The options are:

configures the router as a DEC-compatible Level 1 router.

configures the router as a DEC-compatible Level 2 (area) router.

configures the router as a Level 1 router without DEC compatibility on X.25 circuits. This is the default.

configures the router as a Level 2 (area) router without DEC compatibility on X.25 circuits.

A Level 2 router accepts adjacencies with routers in other areas, and maintains routes to all areas. If it can reach other areas, it also advertises itself to Level 1 routers as a route to other areas.

For Level 1 routers, adjacencies are accepted only to routers in the same area.

define executor state on

define executor type DEC-area

define executor maximum broadcast routers 10

type area
(set only) Causes the router to act as a level 2 router. It will accept adjacencies with routers in other areas, and will keep routes to all areas. If it can reach other areas, it will also advertise itself as a route to other areas to level 1 routers.

The DNA state must be set to off before changing the type.

type routing-IV
(set only) Causes the router to act as a level 1 router, which is the default. Adjacencies will be accepted only to routers in the same area.

The DNA state must be set to off before changing the type.

set executor state on

set executor maximum broadcast routers 10

module access-control circuit-specifier argument
(define only) Defines access control lists, which are used to restrict the forwarding of packets between certain origins and destinations. Each access list is associated with one circuit, and applies to DECnet Long Format Data Packets received on that circuit. Access control does not apply to any routing or hello packets.

The arguments for the circuit-specifiers include the following:

all circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

circuit name
Specifies the named circuit.

known circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

The following items are the arguments you select from after you enter the define module access-control command and the circuit-specifier:

state on
Enables the access control list on this circuit.

state off
Disables the access control list on this circuit.

type exclusive
Specifies that any packets matching one or more of the filters in the access control list for this interface will be dropped.

type inclusive
Specifies that only packets matching one or more of the filters in the access control list for this interface will be forwarded.

filter [source-result source-mask dest-result dest-mask]
Adds a filter to the list for the specified circuit. The filter is added to the end of the existing list.

The source address is masked with the source-mask, and compared to the source-result. The same is done with the dest-mask and dest-result. The action depends on what type of access control is in use on the circuit.

The following items are the options you select from after you enter the define module access-control command and the filter circuit-specifier:

Address that the source address is compared to after masking.

Mask used for the source address.

Address that the destination address is compared to after masking.

Mask used for the destination address.

Example: define module access-control circuit eth/0 state on

module routing-filter circuit-specifier argument
(define only) Defines routing filters, which are used to restrict the sending of Area routes by level 2 (Executor Type Area) routers.

all circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

circuit name
Specifies the named circuit.

known circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

The following items are the direction options you select from after you enter the define module routing-filter command and the circuit-specifier:

Affects the filter on routing information received on this circuit.

Affects the filter on routing information sent on this circuit.

The following items are the arguments you select from after you enter the define module routing-filter command and the circuit-specifier:

area [area-list]
Specifies that the filter allows routing information to pass for the set of areas in the area-list. The area-list is a comma-separated list of areas or ranges of areas. A range is specified by two area numbers separated by a dash. The area-list can also be none, specifying that information will be passed on no areas. The following are area-list examples:

Areas 1, 4, 9, and 60

Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 23

state on
Specifies that the filter is active.

state off
Specifies that the filter is disabled, but continues to be stored in the permanent database. The only way to remove the filter is by using the purge command.

Example: define module routing-filter circuit eth/0 state on

node argument
Allows defining or setting configuring information on nodes into the volatile (set) or permanent (define) database. The only node for which any information is kept is the executor node, because node names are not stored. The node specifies the router's (executor's) node address. See the define executor command description.

Example: define node state on

Example: set node state on


Use the purge command to remove access control lists and routing filters from the permanent database.


module access-control . . .

module routing-filter . .

module access-control circuit-specifier
Removes access control lists from the permanent database. You can delete an entire access control list; you cannot delete one filter.

all circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

circuit name
Specifies the named circuit.

Example: purge module access-control all circuits

module routing-filter circuit-specifier
Removes routing filters from the permanent database. You can purge a specified filter or you can purge them all.

The options for the circuit-specifiers include the following:

Specifies all routing filters in the configuration memory.

circuit name
Specifies the routing filter for the named circuit.

Example: purge module routing-filter all


Use the set command to add, set, or modify circuit specifiers, global arguments, data link modules, or nodes in the volatile DNA database.


circuit . . .

executor . . .

node . . .

For a description of the options for these arguments, see "Define/Set".


Use the show command to show the status of the volatile database and volatile nodes in the routing database.


area-specifier . . .

node-specifier . . .

area-specifier argument
Examines the status of the volatile area routing database. This lets you find out what areas are reachable, and what the routes are to various areas.

The options for the area-specifiers include the following:

active areas
Provides information on those areas which are currently reachable.

all areas
Provides information on all areas (up to the executor maximum area).

Provides information on the specified area. If the area is not provided, you will be prompted for it.

known areas
Provides information on those areas which are currently reachable.

The following items are the subcommand options you select from after you enter the show command and the area specifier:

Shows the current state of the specified area. (The same as summary.)

Provides detailed information on the specified areas, including cost and hops.

Shows the current state of the specified areas. This is the default.

show active areas
Active Area Volatile Summary
Area State       Circuit Next
1    reachable    Eth/0  1.22
2    reachable           2.26
3    reachable    X25/0  2.30
show active areas status
Active Area Volatile Status
Area State       Cost Hops Circuit Next
1    reachable   3    1     Eth/0  1.22
2    reachable   0    0            2.26
3    reachable   2    1     PPP/0  3.9
6    reachable   12   3     PPP/0  3.9
3    reachable   11   1     X25/0  2.30
Area Volatile Status
Area State       Cost Hops Circuit Next
5    unreachable 1023  31

The following items define the information displayed when you use the show command.

Indicates the area for this line of the display.

Indicates which circuit the next hop to this node will go over. No circuit is given for the router's own area.

Indicates the cost to this area.

Indicates the hops to this area.

next node
Indicates the router that will be the next hop (intermediate destination) to the specified area.

Indicates that this will be reachable or unreachable.

node-specifier argument
Shows the status of the volatile node routing database; this includes information on the reachable nodes and the routes to them.

The node-specifiers can be any of the following:

active nodes
Provides information on all nodes that are currently reachable.

all nodes
Provides information on all nodes (up to the executor maximum address). An all nodes display includes information on the "pseudo-mode" area.0. A route to node area.0 is advertised by any level two router which reaches other areas. Level one routers use these routes to forward all packets to the nearest level one router that knows how to get that packet to the correct area. There is no other way to examine node 0, because it is not a legal node address.

node node
Provides information on the specified node. If the node is not provided, you will be prompted.

known nodes
Provides information on those nodes which are currently reachable.

The arguments include the following:

characteristics/ summary
Both subcommand options show the current state of the specified nodes.

Provides detailed information on the specified nodes, including cost and hops.

show node status
 This example shows the detailed status of a specific node. 
Which node [1.9]? 2.26
Node Volatile Status
Executor node            = 2.26 (gato)
State                    = on
Physical address         = AA-00-04-00-1A-08
Type                     = DEC-area
show active nodes
 This example shows the reachable nodes. 
Active Node Volatile Summary
Executor node            = 2.26 (gato)
State                    = on
Identification           = DECnet-MC68360 V1 R2.0 NP00523 [P10]
Node    State       Circuit Next
Address                     Node
2.14   reachable    Eth/0  2.14
2.34   reachable    PPP/0  2.34
2.37   reachable    PPP/0  2.34
1.22   reachable    Eth/0  1.22

show adjacent nodes status

This example shows the detailed routing information on all adjacent nodes. Only nodes with one hop will be shown. The node type is known and displayed for adjacent nodes only since this information is contained in hello messages only.

Adjacent Node Volatile Status
Executor node            = 2.26 (gato)
State                    = on
Physical address         = AA-00-04-00-1A-08
Type                     = DEC-area
Node    State       Type       Cost  Hops Circuit  Next
Addr                                               Node
2.14  reachable  routing IV     3    1    Eth/0   2.14
2.34  reachable  routing IV     2    1    PPP/0   2.34
2.42  reachable  nonrouting IV  2    1    PPP/0   2.42
1.22  reachable  area           3    1    Eth/0   1.22


Use the show circuit command to retrieve information on the current state of the specified circuits from the volatile database. The list circuit command retrieves the data that is stored in the permanent data base for circuits.




circuit . . .

executor . . .

known argument

module argument

node argument




circuit argument

executor argument


node argument

circuit-specifier argument
Where the circuit-specifiers options are the following:

active circuits
Specifies all circuits that are currently on (per the volatile database).

all circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

circuit name
Specifies the named circuit.

known circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

The following items are the subcommand options you select from after you enter the command and the circuit specifier:

Provides detailed information on all of the argument settings for the circuit.

Shows counters for the circuit.

Shows detailed information on the circuit from the volatile database.

Shows summary information on the circuit from the volatile database. This is the default if no argument is supplied.

show all circuits
Circuit Volatile Summary
Circuit State        Adjacent
X25/0   on            5.25
Eth/0   on            1.22
Eth/0                 2.14
Eth/0                 1.13
PPP/0   off

list circuit eth/0 characteristics
Circuit Permanent Characteristics
Circuit            = Eth/0
State              = On
Cost               = 4
Router priority    = 64
Hello timer        = 15
Maximum routers    = 16
Router type        = Standard

show active circuits status
Active Circuit Volatile Status
Circuit State       Adjacent   Block
                      Node     Size
Eth/0   on            1.22     1498
Eth/0                 2.14     1498
Eth/0                 1.13     1498
X25/0   on            5.25     1498

show all circuits characteristics

This example shows the current characteristics of the circuits on this machine. This includes all of the configuration arguments, as well as the current adjacencies, and the Listen timer (three times the adjacency's hello timer).

Circuit Volatile Characteristics
Circuit            = Eth/0
State              = on
Designated router  = 2.26
Cost               = 4
Router priority    = 64
Hello timer        = 15
Maximum routers    = 16
Adjacent node      = 1.22
  Listen timer     = 45
Adjacent node      = 2.14
  Listen timer     = 45
Adjacent node      = 2.39
  Listen timer     = 90
Circuit            = PPP/0
State              = off
Designated router  =
Cost               = 4
Router priority    = 64
Hello timer        = 15
Maximum routers    = 8
show circuit eth/0 counters

This example shows the counters that are kept for the circuits. Note that some counters kept by DECnet-VAX are not kept here, but are instead read through the network command of GWCON.

Circuit Volatile Counters
Circuit = Eth/0
525249  Seconds since last zeroed
     0  Terminating packets received
     0  Originating packets sent
  3693  Transit packets received
  4723  Transit packets sent
     0  Transit congestion loss
     0  Circuit down
     0  Initialization failure
     0  Packet corruption loss

adjacent node
Node ID of a node that has an adjacency with this node on the circuit being displayed. While adjacencies with end-nodes automatically make that node reachable, a router adjacency does not automatically make that node reachable. A router is not considered reachable unless a routing message has been received over an active adjacency from that router. Thus, nodes may show as adjacent in the circuit database, but will not be in the reachable nodes database (show active nodes).

block size
Maximum data block size that the associated adjacent node is willing to receive. This is typically 1498 bytes, which is the standard 1500 bytes of an Ethernet packet, less the 2-byte length field used with DECnet.

Circuits to which this data applies.

designated router
Displays what this node believes to be the designated router for this area on this circuit. (There may be some transient disagreements when a new router starts up.) This normally will be the same for all routers on the circuit. End-nodes send all packets for destinations not on the local circuit to their designated router.

hello timer
Hello timer for this circuit. Router hello messages are sent this often on the circuit.

listen timer
Amount of time designating how often router or end-node hellos must be received from this adjacency on this circuit. It is three times the hello timer set for this circuit on the adjacent machine.

router priority
Router priority for this circuit, used in vying for designated router status.

router type
Router type for this circuit - standard, phase IV with AMA, or Bilingual.

maximum routers
Maximum number of routers allowed on this circuit.

Either ON or OFF. In the volatile database, the state will be ON if the circuit is enabled, and is passing self-test. If the circuit has failed self-test, or the device is not present, the state will be OFF.

In the permanent database, this tells if DNA will try to enable the circuit.

executor argument
Retrieves information on the current state of the volatile database for DNA with the show executor command. The list executor command retrieves the data which is stored in the permanent data base for DNA.

The following lists the subcommand options or arguments you select from after you enter the show/list executor command:

The detailed information on the settings of all of the adjustable arguments of the routing database.

Gives the global event and error counters for DNA. There are no permanent counters, so the list executor counters command is irrelevant.

Gives key information on the state of DNA.

Gives a brief summary on the state of DNA. This is the default.

show executor
Node Volatile Summary
Executor node            = 2.26 (gato)
State                    = on
Identification           = DECnet-MC68360 V1 R2.0 NP00523 [P10]

show executor characteristics

This example shows the full configuration of the router's database. The list executor characteristics command produces essentially the same display.

Node Volatile Characteristics
Executor node            = 2.26 (gato)
State                    = on
Identification           = DECnet-MC68360 V1 R2.0 NP00523 [P10]
Physical address         = AA-00-04-00-1A-08
Type                     = DEC-area
Routing version          = V2.0.0
Broadcast routing timer  = 180
Maximum address          = 64
Maximum cost             = 1022
Maximum hops             = 30
Maximum visits           = 63
Maximum area             = 63
Max broadcast nonrouters = 64
Max broadcast routers    = 32
Area maximum cost        = 1022
Area maximum hops        = 30
Maximum buffers          = 103
Buffer size              = 2038
list executor status
 This example shows the status of the router in the permanent database: 
Node Permanent Status
Executor node            = 2.26 (gato)
State                    = on
Type                     = DEC-area
show executor counters
 This example shows the counters that DNA keeps. 
Node Volatile Counters
Executor node            = 2.26 (gato)
525948  Seconds since last zeroed
     0  Aged packet loss
     0  Node unreachable packet loss
     0  Node out-of-range packet loss
     0  Oversized packet loss
     0  Packet format error
     0  Partial routing update loss
     0  Verification reject

The following items define the fields that are displayed when you use the show/list executor command.

area maximum cost
Maximum allowed cost to an area.

area maximum hops
Maximum allowed hops to an area.

broadcast routing timer
Frequency of sending routing messages in the absence of any changes.

buffer size
Buffer size for the router.

executor node
Node address and node name. The node name is the name set by the CONFIG set hostname command.

Identification of the router software, as sent in MOP System ID messages.

maximum area
Highest area to which routes are kept.

maximum broadcast nonrouters
Maximum number of end-nodes that can be adjacent to this router.

maximum broadcast routers
Maximum number of routers that can be adjacent to this router.

maximum buffers
Number of packet buffers in the router.

maximum cost
Maximum allowed cost to a node.

maximum hops
Maximum allowed hops to a node.

maximum visits
Maximum number of routers a packet may be routed through between source and destination.

physical address
Physical Ethernet address set on all Ethernet circuits when DNA starts. Derived from the node ID.

routing version
Version is always Version 2.0.0.

The state of DNA, on or off.

Either ROUTING IV or AREA, corresponding to level 1 and level 2.

module access-control circuit-specifier argument
Lists the DECnet access control lists that have been defined in the permanent database for the router, as well as the counters of their use. The options for the circuit-specifiers include the following:

all circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

circuit [name]
Specifies the named circuit.

known circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

The following items are the arguments you select from after you enter the show/list module access-control command and the circuit-specifier:

Gives counters on the use of the access control lists.

Shows detailed information on the access control lists, including the filters in the access control list.

Shows summary information on the state of the access control lists. This is the default.

show module access-control circuit eth/0 counters
list module access-control circuit eth/0 counters
Module Access-Control Volatile Counters
Circuit = Eth/0
6337          Seconds since last zeroed
   0          Packets processed
   0          Packets rejected
   0          Access control loop iterations

module routing-filter circuit-specifier argument
Lists the DECnet area routing filters that have been defined in the permanent database for the router.

all circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

circuit [name]
Specifies the named circuit.

known circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

The following items are the arguments you select from after you enter the show/list module routing-filter command and the circuit-specifier:

Shows detailed information on the routing filters, including the area list.

Shows summary information on the state of the routing filters. This is the default.

Example: show module routing-filter circuit eth/0 status

Example: list module routing-filter circuit eth/0 status


Use the zero command to clear circuit counters in the volatile database, global counters in the volatile database, and counters in the access control list module.




module access-control circuit-specifier


all circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

circuit [name]
Specifies the named circuit.

known circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

Example: zero all circuits

Sets all global counters in the volatile database to a zero value. There are no options.

Example: zero executor

module access-control circuit-specifier

all circuits
Specifies all circuits on the router.

circuit [name]
Specifies the named circuit.

Example: zero module access-control all circuits

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